Does your office address all ‘Out of Office’ Safety procedures ensuring all employees have signed and agreed to those procedures?
- Real estate Agents have been subjected to physical aggression in the field whilst performing their duties.
- As the Officer in Effective Control, you have a responsibility, by law, to provide a safe working environment, so far as is reasonably practicable.
- This includes onsite at rental properties/open for inspections and so on!
- Irrespective of where your agents are, how they travel to a nominated property, and the property location itself, all are determined to be their place of work and you, the Officer in Effective Control, must demonstrate the same duty of care ensuring, as far as reasonably practicable, the provision of a safe working environment….exactly as you do within your own office!
Create a policy appropriate to your office and people.
- Read the attached document, first published by WorkSafe Victoria. Still holds true.
- Consider introducing Safety Apps. Some include ‘HelpMe’, ‘StaySafe’, ‘HeyTell’. and ‘BSure’.
- Ensure you have a copy of all employees driver’s licenses front and back on file and a register that reminds of expiry dates.
- Ensure you have notified all employees with their sign off that they understand it is their responsibility to advise if they lose their license for DUI or points. This must be part of the sign off and part of the policy regarding workplace Drug and Alcohol.