Does your office hold regular OHS/WHS meetings (minimum quarterly) with minutes signed by all attendees?
a. Under OHS/WHS legislation, the law states these meetings must be held at a minimum every quarter.
b. The meetings are proof of a positive interaction between management and workers which cannot/should not be adversely influenced by either party (eg. management choose not to address an issue due to the cost of doing so)
c. These meetings form the cornerstone of a dynamic approach to complying with OHS/WHS legislation.
a. Depending upon where you live, the authorities call it different things, BUT you must have one of these meetings at least every quarter…and it must be documented…and it must be signed by all attendees.
b. There are no fancy forms necessary, just an internal memo headed
- “Meeting”,
- “Attendees”,
- “Function = Emergency Evacuation drill”
- and signed by all who participated.
c. OK-got all that? Away you go!.
d. And we will help you with the content for the next quarter!