
Has your office conducted an emergency evacuation exercise in the past twelve months and have all workers signed off their involvement?


This is an annual mandatory legal requirement.


You need to:

a. Decide in advance how you are going to advise your office this is happening (ie phone speakers, claxon horn, whatever). It must be a process all can hear and understand that it means an emergency evacuation. There is no right or wrong process-it’s totally your decision!

b. Decide in advance where you are going to congregate-might be the back of the car park, across the road, your choice. How far away would you like to be in the event of a fire, for example! And ideally the location should be signed “Emergency Evacuation Point”.

c. Away you go. You pick the appropriate time.

By completing the Emergency Evacuation task you have now just completed the first mandatory legal obligation you can report in a OHS/WHS/Tool box meeting. Congratulations!